Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm Just Saying

My sepia post. One original photo and the other one processed. I don't know what to think, but I think the rust factor plays a role in the picture. What do you think?

I was just looking at my friend's album in Facebook when I realized that she had celebrated her daughter's birthday, without inviting me. When she first arrived here, I would drive her everywhere and take her to parks. We hang out just about everywhere with our children. I didn't really noticed when we stopped hanging out. We grow older and just drifted away would be my guess. It's funny how life change from moment to moment.

I don't know. I just feel odd. Well, bygones! I better move on, too. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, but other times, I wish I have talent for giving parties and always having a large group of entourage. But to be perfectly honest, I find such large group to be utterly tiring most of the time.

Yes, I feel a pang of envy when I look at the pictures without me there....but then I'm reminded why I prefer the way I am. Then I'm just grateful that I'm not hanging out after all. I also know that sounds pretty much like sweet lemon. (laughs)


  1. Some people come into our lives and stay. Some people come and go right away. Some people stay for awhile and leave marks in our hearts and though we do not see them very often, they stay in our lives.

  2. I think both the processes and the original are awesome. The rust have given the processed look a rustic look which is classic. love it.

  3. Without these small tests, life would become boring
    It would be like a smooth road ,flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.
    People we meet in our life,the successes and downfalls that one experiences can make you what you are.And the bad experiences one can learn from.
    i.e.- If someone hurts you,betrays you or break your heart,
    forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
    If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you,but also because they are teaching you to love.
    open your heart and eyes,ears,the whole of your self to them,look out for little things Make every moment count.
    Appreciate every thing that you possibly can,for you may never experience it again.
    Break-free ,hold your head up because you have every right to.
    Tell your self you are great individual and believe in your self,For if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. :) .Take Care Thanks for the vist
